March 26, 2012

Pop! goes the Weasels

All around the cobblers bench, the monkey chased the weasel, the monkey thought it was all in fun, Pop! goes the weasel. A penny for a spool of thread, a penny for a needle - the monkey's thought it was all in fun Pop! goes the weasel.

I enjoy Monday morning, because JHK is one of the best literary bloggers on the net. The discussions move along quickly between familiar avatars, who race to be first (why?) and often make salient points. They also send you places, that open rabbit holes, but allow researchers to get depth to support opinion. PS - I don't believe in 'medical' doctors.

You know my opinion on economics from reading my posts. The game is the whatever they are going to throw at us and us reacting - or it is us getting our thoughts together and stopping the mind-set dead in its tracks. Here is a very thoughtful status quo report from KulturCritic. It is one way to look at it - I would guess that every perspective has its own reality. Hang on to your hats.

Also - for those of you who follow Clif - the irish temporal marker meets RT is noticed. The grid of 64 has four orientations - the sifting process requires a base of 256. These stats are not significant, but this spiral has jumped from 21 to 34 in rolling fibonacci average. This means that the low numbers are well past - the hypothesis is 100 monkeys. My guess is that 89 will do. I will also need to calculate the period - i was not keeping accurate account of this when i first began the process.

Bananas provide metabolic potassium - can the monkeys cultivate banana trees after the weasel Pops!?

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