April 09, 2012

Be on a Different Page

There is a pattern that comes each week, where the weekend sets a pace for Monday morning to take off with a bang. The news slows down, but not really, it just backs up so that the start of the week always has a new theme to deal with. The Sunday newspaper used to direct traffic to put everybody on the same page, but people can't read that trash as the 'news' is a delusion of the publisher.

Yesterday was Easter, so lead story in the local paper was on the drug war. Huh? Oh - religion is off limits in politics and civil discussion - let's push drugs on the front page. Illegal drugs are bad. They make lots of money for the grubbermint and make you look ugly. Go spend money on a college degree - we can loan you more to get it , so that you can be our indentured servant for life. Argh.

I have left that whirled - i no longer wish to hear the talk radio or read the news or watch the idiot box. I need my sports fix, because the games are expressed as number - specifically small numbers. Numbers are a new fascination, since i abandoned complex math. Math is rigid and structured - life is fuzzy with lots of wiggle room.

lemme howdt and the Rev. Dr. Lenny Thyme are starting the data mining project - looking at the journals for signs of transition. Most of lemme's poems are dark, not light, but they are what needed to be said - by lemme at the time, by the rest of us now. Or soon. It depends on our threshhold.

lemme howdt also used lemme B. hin as a 'nom de plume' - where he attempted to be positive, before he saw the light. Light and dark is an image that has been misrepresented as good and bad - it is not the same. The metaphors of current society are not parallels that we wish to carry into our future life. So we have to tease out fact amongst the fiction.

I own my time. I own my breath. I own my ability to choose, the state believes they have valid contract with my straw man because i used to participate. All my signatures were achieved under duress - i renounce all contract law.

I will respect all NDAs (non disclosure agreements) that i made with friends in order to foster their opportunity to deal with the former whirled. I will not share secrets, because i try not to gossip and tell other folks what they do not need to know. I slip sometimes, but never at the depth where the matter would matter.

Matter doesn't matter. Thought is necessary to influence vibration - our current form relating matter and energy neglects spirituality - it is on an orthogonal plane set to zero. I enjoy exploring the unknown - time does not have a constant range on this axis. If I can do anything, i will establish peace through love.

The black cat snores - he will come for his morning love session shortly. I enjoy purr therapy. My job is to think - your job should be to think - get rid of your hang-ups to thinking. All life is local. Nature is life, a fractal in all dimensions.

If you over control your microcosm and focus on smaller and smaller, you fall into their trap and forget the big picture. The big picture is changing rapidly - i have my cosmic surfboard and my quantum paint brush. lemme is my artist - together we shall create a new big picture.

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