April 07, 2012

Universal Serpents

Remember the old song - i don't like spiders or snakes ... Well i do like snakes and spiders. In fact, the snake is one of the principles of fiction - the apple giver. In my personal history, i have several good snake tales - like Rosie's escape from the Tardis to head directly to ... the bathtub. Snakes like warm water immensely and prefer to take their bi-monthly constitutional in the wet.

Another fond memory is of a random garter snake in the rabbitry - this one crawled into the end cage and into a nest box. It swallowed two of the kits, then found itself too wide to escape. Mom bunny was having a field day pounding this fellow into submission when i ambled along. D. had a new snake to play with for several months, as recovery from a rabbit pummeling occurred.

So, as 'sovereign' now has a direct connotation, i was thinking about making the change of the organization name to Universal Servants of a Living Earth. But again, the meaning of the word 'servant' implies that people are allowed to take advantage - so perhaps the Universal Serpents of a Living Earth bears homage to that fine fellow that got human knowledge started - by tempting the Eve into feeding the Adam.

Rosie (d. 2006) was a male, albino burmese python that topped out at about 13 feet - named after Rosie Greer - a rather large football player that used to do TV commercials. We found that Rosie like to eat in the tub also - this is the first and the last photo of a sequence of memories - it sure helped that we didn't have to purchase her food. But there was one rabbit that Rosie would not eat - and they set in her cage together at least four times - some sort of sense that this one was too close to self.

I miss my snakes and the life that allowed me to have them. As we shift into something different, the Universal Serpents of a Living Earth will help me remember Rosie, and all the other familiars that grew with me in a past life of this life. As we be the change we wish to see, i hope to honor the snakes that have gotten a bad rap. Don't tread on me.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

If you did that to my rabbit I would've killed you and used that snake to make myself a Louis belt