March 01, 2006

Comment on draft environmental impact statement

Kemper M. McMaster - State Supv. - Elliot State Forest - Re: HCP-DEIS

As a pHD natural resources chemist, I have spent quite a bit of time in the Elliot State Forest near Loon Lake and Ash Valley. Management philosophy of the ESF is that timber needs to be harvested to support school districts. With the pressure to cut state and private lands to replace timber from non-cut federal lands - the Umpqua National Forest and the BLM checkerboard - I urge the USF&W to get a plan that works to protect species like the marbled murrelet and allows Oregon to harvest timber at sustainable levels. The current NEPA analysis on the Elliot State Forest is irrelevant as the Elliot is not a national forest - it is subject to Oregon Statutory Laws. Please develop working plans that include local management of our forests, with good science backing for cutting timber and saving murrelets.

Dr. Lenny

ferns and other native plants from the Elliot, rescued last spring prior to a marketed cut - propogation of native plants can lead to availability of native seeds and help restore forest symbiosis and mature old growth character.

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